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Claire's Classics

The day began early, like every other day in the early 1970's on the farm. In the pre-dawn hours, with frosty dew still clinging to the grass, Ed Wright, the father of the current generation of owners, would trek from the family home to the barn to milk and feed the cows. As the sun came up over Woonsocket Hill the family tended to the daily chores. But this day was special.


Returning to the farmhouse on Thanksgiving morning meant not only organized chaos surrounding the bustling kitchen, but long sought-after family time. Their mother Claire had her hands full preparing dinner with the children pitching in.


Everything was a little fancier than usual for the holiday meal. The table was set with special china and silver and the children recall everyone was expected to use their best manners.

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The recipes for these family favorites are what started the bakery at Wright's Dairy Farm. Known as Claire's Classics, these original treats were created to sell alongside the milk in the family's first farm store.


They gathered around the large family table, serving traditional turkey with all the fixings. Dressed in their best, they would anxiously await their mother 's cinnamon rolls, pies and the delicious desserts she made.

Claire's Classics

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